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Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

How to hack social Wars

Tools :

  • Mozila fire fox
  • Cheat engine

Tutorial Cheat :

Open Plugin contrainer.exe
Open Cheat engine and Social Wars
Change 4 Byte to Array of Bytes
  1. Scan 67 6F 6C 64
  2. Change to 63 61 73 68
  3. Buy some cash items and Tadaaa it appears -xx cash but it will decrease our gold!

Video Cheat Social Wars Cash dan Gold:



How to hack Ancient Dragon...

  1. Log in to your facebook account
  2. Open game Social Empires
  3. Open Cheat Engine and Select process to open
  4. Then select (FlashPlayerPlugin or pugin-container.exe for firefox) and (chrome.exe for google chrome, select the correct)
  5. Change value type to Array or byte
  6. Input this code : 00 31 32 39 33 00 00 00 (Advanced Catapult Workshop) then click first scan
  7. input code obtained to address list then change value with this code :
    Code for Shaman Ancient Dragon Rider:  00 32 32 38 36 00 00 00 00
    Code for Ancient Dragon Rider: 00 32 32 38 33 00 00 00 00
  8. For more details, you can see in the video below
cara hack 50 cash permanent social empires

Perhatikan langkah-langkahnya :
1. Buka Game
2. Buka Cheat Engine 6.1
3. Pilih proses list  klik " plugin container.exe
4. Ubah "4 Byte" menjadi  "text"
5. Buka game dan masuk ke "WORLD" kemudian klik Tourney kemudian cari di "Select Tournment" klik panah kanan dan cari mode "Friend Tourn" klik "Create Tournament" kemudian pilih dan klik mode "THE BEST" setelah ada tanda centang jangan dulu klik "OK"
6. Buka CE First scan "gold" ubah value menjadi "cash"
7. Masuk ke game baru kamu klik "OK" di mode "THE BEST"
8. Setelah ada tanda peringatan abaikan saja tunggu sebentar kemudian "refresh page"
9. Setelah loading selesai masuk lagi ke mode "World" klik lagi Tourney dan klik "Cancel Tournament" dan close
10. Lihat cash anda sudah bertambah 50....
11. Jangan tutup CE dan anda bisa mengulangi langkah itu dari no 5 dan selanjutnya sampai anda  
Enjoy ;)

Social Empires Hack (SEH)

How to hack 25000 cash:

1.first open cheat Engine 6.1/6.0/6.2
2.Open S.E
3. Open Plugin contrainer.exe , like this>http://prntscr.com/188p77
4.Change 4bytes to Text
5.type wood  and first scan
6.Take all addres>http://prntscr.com/188pvu , and than clikred crusor in C.E
7.Change value to cash >http://prntscr.com/188q75
8.then Cut the tree > like this>http://prntscr.com/188qpn
9. cut the tree 3x
10.if you done you get 60 cash
11.go to News and buy starter pack.
12. enjoy ;)
13. is not permanent but you can buy something with cash